Frequently Asked Questions

If you don't see your question in this list, please email it to us!

If you don't see your question in this list, please email it to us!

School FAQs

  • Students can be dropped off between 8:00-8:25am. Attendance will start in the classrooms at 8:30am. Students who arrive in their classroom after 8:35am will be marked tardy.

    Preschool and elementary students (through 4th grade) will have morning recess from 8-8:25am each morning.

    Fifth grade and middle school students will start in the cafeteria in the morning to do 1:1 check-ins with teachers, independent learning, and set up for the day.

  • Pick-up for students runs from 3:10-3:25pm each day. At 3:25pm, students will be taken to aftercare.

  • Aftercare runs from 3:30-5:30pm each day. Students play, go outside, and have downtime. Two teachers are staffed in aftercare daily. From 3:30-4:30pm, students will be split by age into the cafeteria and the preschool. At 4:30pm, all students will combine into the cafeteria.

    Aftercare is pre-paid at a rate of $180/month. Drop-in aftercare is $30/day.

  • Stay tuned for updates on new car line procedures!

  • Stay tuned for updates on new car line procedures!

  • Yes, if you need a window tag, please stop by the front desk during Meet-the-Teacher of the first week of school to get one. If you need more than one, please let us know!

  • We will not be using an ID scanning system this year. Teachers will take attendance in the clsasrooms. Students will be marked late if they arrive after 8:35am.

  • All exterior doors are locked and require a key or key fob to enter. Additionally, there are interior doors that lead to the classrooms which require a key fob to enter. Interior doors are closed but unlocked during drop off and pick up.

  • If your child is sick or absent, email their teacher as well as You can also call the school to let us know at 512-266-9620.

  • We do not have attendance requirements; however, the more consistently your child is in school, the better progress they make. Absences are reported on report cards. Students who arrive after 8:35am are marked tardy.

  • For day-to-day questions, reach out to the teacher that works with your child in that particular subject or area (e.g. if it involves math, reach out to their math teacher). If you are not sure who to contact, start with your student’s homeroom teacher.

    For general questions, FACTS support, and tuition questions, contact Ellen at

    Meghan does admissions and enrollment, and you can contact her at

    For training and development or support team supervision questions, contact Glenn at

    Email is the best way to get a hold of us, but we always welcome phone calls as well (512-266-9620).

  • Please email Ellen at for FACTS support.

  • Magnolia is a nut-free school. This includes peanuts, hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, almonds, etc. Please be aware that things like nutella and many granola bars contain nuts. If your child brings an item containing nuts to school, we will keep the food in their backpack to ensure the safety of the other students. Sunbutter is a great alternative to peanut butter for kids who enjoy a PB and J.

    If your child takes medication(s) at school or has allergy medication to keep at school, we have a medication form to use. This form can be found at the front desk or on the FACTS family portal. There is not a physician form that needs to be filled out.

    Please bring any medications to the front desk. Make sure the medications are labeled with your child’s name. We will check the paperwork and then put the medication(s) in a locked medication box in your child’s classroom or in a locked box in the cafeteria.

  • We have three lunch periods between 11:10am and 1:00pm each day. You are always welcome to come and eat with your child! If you know in advance you are coming, we appreciate a heads up. If it is last minute, be sure to stop by the front desk for a visitor’s pass.

    You are also welcome to drop off hot lunch to your child at any time. If you would like to picnic with your child, you can do so at the tables on our side playground.

  • We will continue to offer hot lunches this year. Ordering will be done through FACTS:

    Login to your family portal

    Click on your student

    Select lunch ordering, the calendar and menu will be displayed

    Choose “create web order” at the top of the page

    On the next screen, choose your child and select the day you want to order

    From the menu, make your selections and click “submit order”

    On the next screen, select “confirm and pay”

    On the final screen, click “pay now”

    Lunches need to be ordered by Thursday of the week prior for lunch the following week. Your lunch items will be selected and paid for at that time. Lunches cannot be refunded for student absences.

  • Item description
  • We love to celebrate our students. You can send in a small toy or treat in on the week of your child’s birthday. You are also welcome to come and celebrate with us. Typically, teachers do birthday celebrations around lunch or just before the end of the day. Chat with your child’s teacher to see what works best if you plan to come and celebrate with them.

    Note that we are a nut free school, so please do not bring any nut-containing items. There may also be children with other allergies in the class, so it is helpful to check with the teacher a few days prior to the celebration so that we can ensure those students are included in the celebration.

  • We are a phone/tablet free school. If your child comes to school with a phone, tablet, or a smartwatch that has texting/internet access we will ask them to keep it in their backpack/locker. If it comes out during the day, they get one warning to put it away. If it is seen again, the device will live at the front desk until pick up. If your child needs to get in contact with you during the day or vice versa, please use the main line to reach us (512-266-9620).

    Students may earn an electronics pass at school. The pass allows them 20 minutes of electronics time outside of regular lessons. The school is not responsible for anything that happens to a device while at school. Students will not be allowed access to the school’s internet on their devices.

  • Item description
  • Yes! Field trips generally take place in the spring. This year, the PTO is looking for volunteers to help plan all the field trips for the year by October 2023. We rely on parent drivers and volunteers to make these trips a success! We hope to make volunteering and attending the field trips easier for families this year by planning ahead. If you are interested in helping plan, please contact the PTO.


  • Section 501(c)(3) is a portion of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and a specific tax category for nonprofit organizations. Organizations that meet Section 501(c)(3) requirements are exempt from federal income tax. While the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recognizes more than 30 types of nonprofit organizations, only those that qualify for 501(c)(3) status can say that donations to them are tax-deductible.

  • We will have lots of volunteer opportunities throughout the school year. Make sure the PTO has your email address so you receive emails throughout the school year for volunteering, events, etc.

  • Please go to this link and fill out the form to become a member! We are excited to have you!

  • The PTO uses dues to help show our appreciation to the staff. Funds the PTO receives are used to:

    • Provide lunch for the staff 3-4 times during the school year.

    • Stock the staff pantry 3 times during the school year.

    • Buy the staff long-sleeve Magnolia School shirts.

    • Purchase the founders and support staff a winter holiday gift.

    • Buy the founders and support staff an end-of-year gift.

    • Bring lunch and a gift to the founders and support staff on their birthdays.

    • Buy appreciation gifts and lunch during Teacher Appreciation Week.

  • No. All PTO funds stay with the PTO and allow us to help purchase things for the school. The PTO decides how to spend the money and what to purchase.

  • NOPE! The money requested by the room parents is used to offset the cost of the parties and events planned for the individual classrooms. These funds stay with the room parent. The PTO has nothing to do with the room funds.